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difference between robotic knee replacement surgery and traditional knee replacement surgery

Robotic Knee Replacement Surgery vs Traditional Knee Replacement Surgery

What is the difference between robotic knee replacement surgery and traditional knee replacement surgery? Do you wonder what robotic knee replacement surgery is and how it differs from traditional surgery?

This article points out the differences in the most meticulous way possible. Thus, for a detailed and complete analysis, read this informative article till the end.

All sections of this article are interconnected. Thus, don’t skip any part for a better understanding.

Knee Replacement Surgery

Whether robotic or traditional, knee replacement surgery fundamentally involves the same steps. Damaged parts are first removed and then resurfaced with artificial parts, which are made up of durable and high-quality metal and plastic.

Generally, knee replacement surgery can be divided into two broad stages: pre-operative planning and intra-operative execution.

Pre-Operative Planning:This is the first stage in which the surgeon studies the anatomy of a patient’s knee using imaging technologies. After the study, bone cuts are planned, keeping in mind the uniqueness of the patient’s knee. Then, an implant is chosen that would suit the patient’s knee best.

Intra-Operative Execution:During this stage, pre-operative plans are executed. The surgeon makes incisions and accesses the knee bones. Damaged parts of the bones are removed as planned, which is also called bone preparation. After that, the implant is fixed in place. Both, conventional and robotic knee replacements, involve these two stages but the technology differs as explained below.

Robotic Vs Traditional Knee Replacement Surgery

The advantages of robotics in knee replacement surgery are twofold; first, it enhances the practice of pre-operative planning with 3-D visualisation and second, the robotic arm helps execute pre-plans with the highest precision.

Under conventional knee replacement surgery, during pre-operative planning, the surgeon uses 2-D images from X-rays, MRIs and CT Scans to plan surgical cuts for knee bone preparation and selecting a suitable implant; robotics takes this a step further by enabling the surgeon to create a 3-D model of the patient’s knee, which allows for highly personalised and accurate planning of bone preparation (cuts) before the actual surgery.This is the benefit of robotics during the pre-operative planning stage of knee replacement surgery.

Furthermore, under conventional knee replacement surgery, the surgeon uses manual tools (jigs, templates or guides) to execute pre-planned bone cuts for bone preparation. After that, the implant is placed and aligned as accurately as possible; robotics replaces these manual guides with the robotic arm and sensory feedback. The robotic arm helps the surgeon achieve higher precision while cutting knee bones as planned, which ultimately ensures the most accurate implant placement.This is the benefit of robotics during the intra-operative stage of knee replacement surgery.

However, in the end, the best results after knee replacement surgery don’t depend on robotics. It depends on the surgeon. A competent and qualified surgeon can ensure the best outcomes regardless of the technology used!

Whether robotics or any other technology, it is just an additional assistance in the hands of a surgeon.

Robotic Knee Replacement Procedure

Robotic knee replacement surgeryinvolves the following crucial steps in general:

2-D Imaging:CT scans of the patient’s knee are produced.

3-D Modelling:The surgeon provides the robotic screen with the data (CT Scans of the Knee) and the robot creates a 3-D model out of the uploaded data.

Pre-Planning:Using the 3-D model, the surgeon has a better visualisation of the knee. This feature helps the surgeon plan surgical bone cuts in the most efficient way in advance. It also helps select the most suitable knee implant for the patient.

Stabilisation:Once the pre-planning is done based on the 3-D imaging, the patient is connected to the robot and stabilised for the replacement operation.

Registration:At this stage, the surgeon initiates the registration process. The surgeon checks that the 3-D model of the patient’s knee matches the original surgery site using the robot. If everything is okay, the surgeon proceeds with the execution.

Execution:The surgeon exposes the knee with incisions and with the robotic arm, removes the damaged parts of bones precisely as decided during the pre-operative planning. After that, the implant is fixed accurately.

Throughout the procedure, the robotic arm guides the surgeon to only remove as much bone as required. It minimises the damage to the surrounding soft-tissue structures during the surgery.

Conclusion:Once the implant is fixed properly, the surgeon closes the incision and concludes the surgery.

To connect with the best doctors specialised in robotics and all the other latest technologies, visit the following link: Robotic Knee Replacement Surgery.


The following are the advantages of this latest robotic knee replacement surgery.

Enhanced Pre-Operative Planning:Through robotics, a surgeon can create a detailed 3-D model of the patient’s knee before surgery via CT scans.

This enhanced knee visualisation allows a surgeon to pre-plan surgical cuts in the most personalised and accurate way possible.

Selection of Most Suitable Implant:Furthermore, the surgeon can select the most suitable knee implant based on the 3-D model of the patient’s knee before surgery.

Accurate Bone Cuts:The surgeon has already mapped the patient’s knee three-dimensionally. It helps study the knee in detail and plan bone cuts in the most personalised way possible in advance. This helps ensure higher accuracy with the robotic arm during the surgery or intraoperatively; thus, accurate bone cuts.

Minimal Invasion:The robotic arm executes planned cuts precisely, minimising errors and ensuring accuracy, which ultimately translates into less invasion.

Reduced Soft-Tissue Injuries:Robotic techniques also reduce damage to the surrounding soft tissue in the knee during the surgery.

Precise Implant Placement:The robotic arm assists the surgeon during the surgery and helps execute the pre-operative plan as precisely as possible. Bones are cut only as much as required. Accuracy in bone cuts thus leads to the precise placement of artificial parts.

Fast Recovery:Less invasion and reduced soft-tissue damage during the surgery reduce recovery time and support faster rehabilitation.

Best Outcomes:All the above-mentioned benefits offer the most satisfactory results to patients after knee replacements.

Also Read: Total Knee Replacement Surgeon


Knee replacement surgery normally involves the same steps regardless of the technology used. The surgeon removes the damaged bone parts and resurfaces them with an implant.

The only difference between conventional and robot-assisted surgery is the better knee visualisation through 3-D modelling. This enablement helps achieve a higher level of personalisation during the planning phase of surgery.

Personalised planning helps select the most suitable implant before surgery and ensures accurate surgical cuts as planned during surgery.

Furthermore, to ensure that the bone cuts are made as accurately as possible, there is the robotic arm. The surgeon operates and cuts the bones in the knee precisely with the help of a robotic arm, ensuring better implant placement and better outcomes like faster recovery.

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