Can Vitamin D Deficiency Cause Joint and Muscle Pain?
Vitamin D is an essential nutrient. The body needs this for a number of essential biological processes. This article focuses on the importance of vitamin D and whether the deficiency can cause musculoskeletal inflammation.
What Is Vitamin D?
Vitamin D is also called calciferol. This is a vitamin with the property of fat solubility. Fat-soluble vitamins are those that easily get absorbed with fat. The body stores such fat-soluble vitamins in the liver and fatty tissue.
Other examples of such vitamins are A, D, E and K. They are also fat-soluble.
Why Does the Body Need It?
The human body needs this substance for effective calcium regulation.
Calcium is an essential nutrient for bone and joint strength and agility. We get calcium from our diet, mostly dairy and soy products. Vitamin D facilitates the utilisation of this calcium in the body.
Vitamin D doesn’t only help absorb calcium but magnesium and phosphate as well.
Furthermore, research shows that this vitamin also supports other activities in the body. To be precise, vitamin D exhibits antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective properties.
These properties contribute to better immunity, smooth muscle function and improved brain activities.
Can Vitamin D Deficiency Cause Joint and Muscle Pain?
The body cannot absorb calcium without vitamin D. No matter how much calcium you take your body won’t be able to absorb it well if you are deficient in vitamin D.
Hence, the chronic deficiency will lead to a low calcium absorption rate. This condition will, in turn, make healthy bones osteoporotic. Ultimately, it might result in joint and muscle pain if the deficiency isn’t treated on time.
An article on NIH’s website also recognises the same possibility. It states, “A disruption in any part of the vitamin D physiological pathway can result in vitamin D deficiency, which may lead to bone pain, muscle weakness, falls, low bone mass and fractures.”To read the entire article, visit the following link: https://bit.ly/3WkWmCW.
In addition, certain research shows that adults over 50 with vitamin D deficiency are more at risk of developing hip and knee pain over time.Furthermore, the pain is likely to worsen if the deficiency isn’t treated on time. Hence, one should ensure adequate vitamin D in their system. This might prevent joint pain later in life. Visit the link to access the research in detail: https://bit.ly/3WeoKa1.
Other research found that most RA patients had low levels of vitamin D. Thus, vitamin D deficiency might contribute to RA;However, more evidence is needed to establish this link. To access the full research, use this link: https://bit.ly/4bZvePV.
So, in conclusion, according to such research, a person with vitamin D deficiency is more likely to have joint and muscle pain. However, early detection and treatment of the deficiency can prevent such conditions.
In general, joint pain can manifest due to multiple reasons. Furthermore, certain joints like the knee and the hip are weight-bearing. Such joints degenerate faster than others. Hence, they are more prone to have inflammatory issues.
If your knees are chronically painful, consult an orthopedic specialist. To book your appointment, visit the link: knee pain specialist in Delhi.
Can Vitamin D Relieve Joint Pain?
Research states that patients with vitamin D deficiency and chronic joint pain will benefit from vitamin D supplements. Vitamin supplementation will help relieve pain. To read the full journal article, visit the following link: https://bit.ly/4bSL26N.
Yet, another research found that taking vitamin D with calcium supplements did not provide relief from joint pain in postmenopausal women. This refutes that vitamin D supplements will relieve joint pain under all circumstances. Visit the link to get access to the research: https://bit.ly/46iYfEO.
Thus, the results from the research are mixed.
How to Increase Vitamin D in The Body
Pay attention to your lifestyle and diet. Eat foods rich in vitamin D, prefer fortified drinks, and expose yourself to enough sunshine.
Good sources of vitamin D are as follows:
Sources Rich in Vitamin D: There aren’t many naturally-occurring examples of foods rich in vitamin D. Yet, trout, tuna, salmon, mackerel, fish liver oils, etc., are high in vitamin D.
Sources with Little Vitamin D:Furthermore, egg yolks, cheese, beef liver, and mushrooms also contain vitamin D in small amounts.
Sunlight:Our body starts synthesising vitamin D in the direct presence of Sunlight. So, expose yourself to the sunshine adequately and regularly. It will cure the deficiency of vitamin D or prevent the condition.
Supplements:Taking vitamin D supplements is helpful too. It increases the vitamin level in the body. As a result, the symptoms of the deficiency wither away. However, don’t take supplements on your own without consulting a doctor.
All these options will help treat vitamin D deficiency and improve the availability of the vitamin in the body.
But, be cautious. Don’t overdose on vitamin D supplements. If you are dealing with deficiency, take your supplements consistently and on time as per the physician’s directions. Over time, the condition of deficiency will improve.
Side Effects of Supplement Overdose
Supplements are a safe way to treat vitamin D deficiency. Yet, overdose has its side effects.
Overdose of vitamin D supplements is also known as vitamin D toxicity or hypervitaminosis D. Overdose mainly affects people in the following ways:
- The body will experience the accumulation of calcium in the blood;
- This accumulation can further cause vomiting, weakness, nausea and frequent urination urges; and,
- It might progress to pain in bones and the formation of calcium stones in the kidney if left untreated.
Have you been taking Vitamin D supplements? Ensure you are not experiencing any such symptoms. It might be a sign of hypervitaminosis D. Seek medical help before the condition progresses.
Chronic and severe vitamin D deficiency can cause osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a condition that refers to weak, fragile and porous bones. It will negatively impact the body’s strength, immunity, and stamina. Over time, it might result in joint and muscle pain if the condition isn’t treated on time.
Do you have joint pain? Consult the right doctor. Visit the following link to book your appointment: best orthopedic specialist near me.